Good Faith Estimate

If you do not have insurance or are not planning to use insurance, you have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. 

Midwest Anesthesia Associates, P.A. is committed to providing patients with transparent pricing to better understand their out-of-pocket costs. Our billing specialists’ team is available to provide price estimates and answer questions regarding insurance coverage.

The pricing information provided by the representatives of Midwest Anesthesia Associates; P.A. is a good faith estimate based on the information provided at the time of the request. It is not a guarantee of what the patient will be asked to pay. Anesthesia billing is based on the time the procedure takes plus the time the anesthesia provider spends with the patient in preparing them for their sedation and recovering them following the procedure. It is impossible to predict exact times and therefore final cost. There are variables such as time spent in surgery, the patient’s physical status at the time of the procedure, unforeseen complications, or additional interventions the surgeon may order to provide the patient with the best possible care.

If you receive a bill in excess of $400 greater than your good faith estimate, you can dispute the bill.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit surprises or call HHS at (800)985-3059